1. Můj extra pohodlný outfit do letadla. / My extra comfortable outfit for the flight.
1. První snídaně v Miláně. / First breakfast in Milan.
3., 4. Obrostlé balkóny. / Overgrown balconies.
5. Tom
6. Výloha Prady plná aut. / Prada window shop with cars.
7. Vlakové nádraží. / Train station.
8. Duomo
6 června, 2012 @ 10:44 am
aw i like the 4th picture, patio with so many flowers. i'll visit milan too someday >w<
btw of course lets follow each other, i just follow your blog hope you want to follow me back,
kisses from Indonesia,
6 června, 2012 @ 7:20 pm
Really nice pictures! It's strange to say, I'm Italian but I've never been to Milan! 😛
Thanks for your comment, yes let's follow each other! I've just followed you, I hope you'll do the same 🙂
7 června, 2012 @ 3:07 pm
Hi! you have a great blog! please check out my blog and if you like, please follow me on Google Friend Connect & Bloglovin, I promise to do the same for you!
15 června, 2012 @ 4:14 pm
Ahoj! Looks like you had a lovely time in Milan! 🙂 Glad you like my blog and thank for leaving a sweet comment! Have a fabulous weekend!
May x